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Fresh Raspberries Campaign

Fresh Raspberries Campaign

Fresh Raspberries Campaign 2022 A top fresh produce brand promotes its fresh raspberries available at Costco to drive purchase with a campaign on PRN’s Costco TV Network Campaign Objective Increase brand awareness and purchase of fresh raspberries for sale in Costco’s...
Nutritional Supplements Campaign

Nutritional Supplements Campaign

Nutritional Supplements Campaign 2022 A top vitamin and supplement brand promotes its new line of blended supplements to drive purchase with a campaign on PRN’s Costco TV Network Campaign Objective Increase brand awareness and purchase of brand’s targeted blends of...
PRN and Pursuant Health Renew Advertising Sales Agreement

PRN and Pursuant Health Renew Advertising Sales Agreement

PRN and Pursuant Health Renew Advertising Sales Agreement Oct 5, 2022 SAN FRANCISCO—October 5, 2022—PRN and Pursuant Health announce the renewal of their media monetization partnership for a new multi-year term. PRN has delivered their multi-pharmacy relationships...
Streaming Platform Campaign

Streaming Platform Campaign

Streaming Platform Campaign 2022 Streaming platform featured on select Smart TV brands promotes its streaming services and TV partnerships and drives purchase with a campaign on PRN’s Costco TV Network Campaign Objective Increase brand awareness and purchase of Smart...
Tech Brand Campaign

Tech Brand Campaign

Tech Brand Campaign 2022 A leading technology brand successfully launches an environmentally conscious campaign on PRN’s Costco TV Network Campaign Objective Launch the environmentally conscious campaign, build awareness of the tech brand as an environmental tech...